Gifted Education

Gifted Services

We at Hillsdale are aware that certain students do very well academically, and need special classes or options to help serve their needs.  Click here to read our district policy regarding gifted education.

District Policy, Hillsdale Local Schools

If you have further questions or comments, please contact Andrew Lewellen at (419) 369-4911 x 7652, or at


There are a variety of state-approved tests for determining giftedness in a school setting.  We at Hillsdale give the Terra Nova and In View tests to all students at the beginning of second and fourth grades.  The Woodcock-Johnson test may be used in certain individual cases.  The GATES test for creativity is also used.

Assessment Instruments


From time to time, it may be in the student's best interest to be accelerated through a course or grade.  After consultation between parents, teachers, administration, and the student, an acceleration plan may be put into place.  A form documenting this plan is found here.

Acceleration Form


It can be challenging to raise children who are academically gifted.  Click here for links to other organizations who specialize in gifted awareness, advocacy, and services.

Ohio Association of Gifted Children