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Social Media Policy Statement

Please note that social media will not be used for any crisis communications.

Social Media Commenting Policy

All of Hillsdale Local School District’s social media pages will focus on celebrating and supporting our schools, students and teachers.

We encourage you to share your support, connect with other supporters, and visit frequently for news and updates.

While everyone is welcome and encouraged to comment, our first priority is to protect students, staff and community members. Comments and/or posts that do not follow this Comment Policy may be removed.

Be respectful: do not attack the author, people mentioned in the article, or other commenters. Take on the idea, not the messenger. Comments that stray from the post topic may be deleted.

We have a zero-tolerance policy for cyberbullying and/or posts or comments that involve politics, hate speech, or that are aimed at bullying, discrimination, or harassment of others; such comments shall be deleted. Additionally, comments that are profane, threatening, violent (or incite violence), obscene, sexually explicit, constitute spam, or which are libelous/defamatory, or make ad hominem attacks on students, employees, guests or other individuals shall also be deleted.

While we encourage user interaction, we are not responsible for comments or wall postings made by visitors to the page. You participate at your own risk, taking personal responsibility for your comments, your username and any information provided. We reserve the right to delete comments or topics and even ban users, if needed. If you see something objectionable, please let us know. Once a comment has been flagged, a staff member will investigate. Please be aware that all content and posts are bound by Facebook’s Terms of Use.

We also do not permit messages selling products or promoting commercial or other ventures that are unrelated to the Hillsdale School District. Additionally, the appearance of external links, as posted by fans of this page or other Facebook users, does not constitute endorsement on behalf of Hillsdale Local School District. In most, if not all, cases, external links posted by fans will be removed.

You should not provide private or personal information (phone, email, addresses, etc.) regarding yourself or others on this page. Any posts or comments containing personal information of this nature will be deleted.

We reserve the right to republish comments, with attribution, in print, online or other forms of media. All content related to district business on this social media site is a public record, subject to retention and disclosure.

If you have questions, please e-mail