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Student Fees

At Hillsdale Local Schools, we understand the financial responsibilities families face in providing the best education for their children. We strive to be conscientious about these expenses while ensuring that every student has access to enriching educational opportunities.

To support the various activities and resources that enhance our students' learning journey, we have student fees in place. These fees contribute to the cost of materials, equipment, and experiences that enrich the academic opportunities available to our students.


Payment Information

Please make a check payable to Hillsdale Local Schools and return it to the school office before October 1.

Please note fees and meal payments need to be made with separate checks.

If you need to set up a payment schedule, don't hesitate to contact the school your child attends. We're here to help and will be happy to work with you to make arrangements that fit your needs.

Families may also pay their students' fees on PaySchools Central.

Thank you for your cooperation and support!

Fees are waived for the 2024-2025 school year for students who are eligible for either free or reduced meals.

Jar topped with a black paper mortar board and red tassel, surrounded by coins, resting on two books. Rolled bills and additional loose coins placed on top of the books.