TITLE I Parent Engagement Policy
Hillsdale Local Schools' policy is to ensure that the parents of our students can participate in the design and implementation of our Title I program.
At the annual orientation meeting, parents will be informed about all aspects of the program, including Title I parent engagement requirements and other relevant program provisions.
Parent engagement activities may include, but are not limited to, the following:
- nine-week progress reports
- parent-teacher conferences
- parent workshops/training
- providing timely information concerning Title I, such as plans/evaluations
- parent surveys related to the planning, development, and operation of the program
- responding to parent recommendations and concerns
- regular communication
- adoption of a School-Parent Compact
- assuring that information related to school and parent programs, meetings, and other activities are sent to the parents in the language used at home
- parent volunteer program based on teacher needs
- Progress Book Parent Access
These ongoing activities and means of consultation will enable parents and faculty to collaborate to build a partnership between home and school.
(Revised - 2024 )